Sunday 2 July 2023

Age and fertility


transfers following one ovarian stimulation) is about:

43% for women aged 30 to 34 years

31% for women aged 35 to 39 years

11% for women aged 40 to 44 years.

For older women the chance of having a baby increases if they use eggs donated by a younger woman.

Women's age and pregnancy complications

The risk of pregnancy complications increases with age too. The risk of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus increase from age 35. Complications such as gestational diabetes, placenta previa (when the placenta covers all or part of the cervix, which increases the risk of the placenta detaching), caesarean section and still birth are also more common among older women than younger women.

Conditions that may affect a woman 's fertility include endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Men's age and fertility

While the effects of female age on fertility have been known for a long time, more recent studies have found that the age of the male partner also affects the chance of pregnancy and pregnancy health.

Male fertility generally starts to reduce around age 40 to 45 years when sperm quality decreases. Increasing male age reduces the overall chances of pregnancy and increases time to pregnancy (the number of menstrual cycles it takes to become pregnant) and the risk of miscarriage and fetal death.

Children of older fathers also have an increased risk of mental health problems (although this is still rare). Children of fathers aged 40 or over are 5 times more likely to develop an autism spectrum disorder than children of fathers aged 30 or less. They also have a slightly increased risk of developing schizophrenia and other mental health disorders later in life.

Where to get help

Your GP (doctor)


Fertility specialist

IVF clinic

Healthy Male

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